New Crafter ideas
My idea is this. Add crafters for runes, dyes and scrolls in hard to find places, with slightly randomised locations (like the bosses), and a chance of not appearing. Additionally, change the scroll crafter so she uses a halfway sensible amount of ingredients (it currently costs less to buy a scroll than pay the crafting fee, and she also uses lots of expensive materials).
Also, either fix the traders min buy price to slightly over what it will cost to make the runes/dyes/scrolls, taking into account the costs of making the equipment.
Hey presto, mass deflations has been mostly prevented on these pieces of equipment, and if the crafters are in obscure enough and randomised locations, it should give a good reward for exploration. Inflation would also be reduced by all the people who have found some of them, and have made many of the items to sell.
Provided buying the stuff off the crafters cost a sensible amount (1-2 hundred for most dyes, 400 or so for silver and a few k for black, 6-7 hundred for most minor runes, 1-2k for most major runes, 3-4k for most superior runes, much higher amounts for absorbtion and vigor, maybe 500 off the current cost for scrolls, and the materials needed to be reduced by a factor of ten or more) it would set up a much more stable economy for those items, make them easier (but not too easy) to find and would, as has been said, give a reward for exploration.
When I found that scroll crafter I was over the moon, until I looked at how much the stuff cost, and compared it to the cost of a scroll. I just think it would feel great to be exploring some remote area and chance upon a rune crafter. It would also give me some way of getting black dyes.